Your Gunditjmara cultural guide will take you on an informative walk around Tae Rak (Lake Condah). The lake is
made up of significant wetlands and stony rises right next to the historic lava flows of Budj Bim National Park. The
Gunditjmara people have sustained life here for tens of thousands of years, and created what is considered to be
one of the world’s earliest and largest aquaculture systems. The tour starts with a look at the eel holding tank and an overview of their habitat and lifecycle. Walk along the boardwalk and out onto the jetty over the lake, where your guide will give you an overview of the Gunditjmara creation story and point out the extensive marine and bird-life of the lake. Continue along the western edge of lake to the weir, for a look at the ancient landscape and the extensive range of stone aquaculture sites and fish traps.