Nitmiluk Gorge Helicopter Flight - Optional Upgrade

Nitmiluk Gorge Helicopter Flight - Optional Upgrade
Nitmiluk Gorge Helicopter Flight - Optional Upgrade
Nitmiluk Gorge Helicopter Flight - Optional Upgrade
Nitmiluk Gorge Helicopter Flight - Optional Upgrade

This optional upgrade will provide views of the magnificent Nitmiluk Gorge unlike any other. Arriving in Katherine, alight the train and be taken to your awaiting helicopter. The Dreamtime story of the Traditional owners of this land tells of the gorge system's creation by Bula, an important figure of the Jawoyn people, who is said to have carved these gorges with his two wives as they were hunted across the lands. Flying over all 13 gorges, see if you can follow Bula's path as you appreciate the enormity & complexity of this landscape.